
Smart Education is the exclusive partner that works with the world-renowned publisher, Macmillan Education, on developing e-books worldwide. Students can read storybooks and readers of Macmillan Explorers and Macmillan Readers.

Programme highlights:

  • Animated and interactive e-books for Primary to Secondary level students
  • Over 130 titles of graded level storybooks and readers, rich variety of text types including classic, fantasy, adventure, myths and legends, non-fiction and many more
  • Each e-book contains online challenging games and extended learning tasks designed by experienced English learning consultants
  • Audio read-aloud function, text highlighting, interactive animations, attractive illustrations and dictionary function are developed for each e-book

Macmillan Explorers:

  • Macmillan Explorer reading scheme is designed specially for young learners
    of English
  • Bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons
  • Enhance students’ confidence and fluency in reading
  • Encourage students to read for enjoyment
  • Incorporate systematic phonics programme into reading
  • Develop reading comprehension skills, reinforce vocabulary, support the teaching of
    phonics and writing

Macmillan Readers:

A range of classic and contemporary titles specially retold for more advanced learners of English. Levels are carefully graded from Starter to Upper Intermediate to help your students choose the right material for their ability

  • The stories are brought to life by the recordings of native speakers
  • Facilitate cross-curricular learning, containing fiction and non-fiction sections that link to the theme of the e-book
  • A wide range of subjects including, but not limited to, health, history and science
  • “Points for Understanding”- post-reading activities
  • Selected words and phrases with explanations at the end of each e-book

Teacher’s support:

  • Teaching resources explain how to teach reading and enable teachers to strike a
    balance between whole-class work, shared reading and individual activities
  • Guide children to develop and use a wide range of reading strategies
    Integrated teaching of reading and writing skills
  • Systematic phonics programme is specifically developed to support the Explorer
    reading scheme
  • Content Management and Teacher Management Systems are developed for
    monitoring and measuring students’ progress