The most effective online self-access TSA platform!
(Target: students from S1 to S3) can effectively prepare students for TSA. It provides students with 3 reading comprehension and 3 listening practices in TSA format EVERY WEEK, and they will have ample opportunities to get used to the format of TSA and the types of questions/answers needed.
Teachers can check the results of the students every week and help students improve their reading comprehension and listening skills accordingly.
Time saving! Teachers no longer need to grader the answers of the exercises or have listening practices during and after your English classes!
They can:
- easily review students’ reading and listening skills (by class or by each individual student)
- easily monitor students’ progress (e.g. who have not done their homework)
- use analytical reports to identify group(s) of students that may require additional training on SPECIFIC areas: e.g. some students need additional practices on grammar, while others on listening, etc.
- review students’ milestone results and compare that with other participating schools